The Transat CIC Arrival

A stunning finish in New York

On Monday, the 6th of May, at 2:23pm Eastern time, Yoann Richomme crossed the finish line off New York and became the overall winner of the 15th edition of the Transat CIC.

He finished ahead of Boris Hermann, in second place, and Samantha Davies, in third place, at the end of a breathtaking final, in which the competitors battled for their spot on the podium. 

After 8 days battling it out in the harsh North Atlantic, the first boats arrived in New York Bay triumphant, just a few hours apart, passing the Statue of Liberty before settling into their respective marinas.

A week ago, Yoann Richomme told the press, “I’d love to win this bloody race! A fan of intense effort and equipped with one of the most competitive boats on the circuit, he has managed to achieve his hard-earned ambitions after starting the race off behind.

As ambassadors for large-scale social projects, Boris Hermann (Malizia) and <Samantha Davies (Initiatives Coeur) have confirmed their ability to perform in such demanding iconic races, which are crucial to their preparation for the Vendée Globe.

A sign of the Imoca Class’s overall high performance, the finishes arrived in a quick succession: Charlie Dalin (Macif), Maxime Sorel (V&B – Monbana – Mayenne), Yannick Bestaven (Maitre Coq V), Justine Mettraux (Teamwork SNEF), Damien Seguin (Groupe Apicil), Louis Burton (Bureau Vallée) and Sébastien Simon (Groupe Dubreuil) rounded off the top 10 in the race.

The first Class 40 boats then arrived on the night of 9 to 10 May, led by Ambrogio Beccaria (Alla Grande Pirelli), the big winner of The Transat CIC in this category. Ian Lipinski (Legallais Team Voile) and Fabien Delahaye (Legallais Team Voile) rounded off the podium in second and third place respectively.

For Wind Support, the success  of a long journey

Wind Support was on deck to welcome the first IMOCA and Class 40 boats to One 15 Marina, downtown Brooklyn. The teams were eager to see the race arrive, 8 years after its last edition. Together with the race directors, coordinated by OC Sport, they intercepted the boats on the finish line and communicated with the New York sector Coast Guard to make sure things run smoothly. 

For Laurent Corbel, president and founder of Wind Support, it was an emotional moment: « We are thrilled to welcome these boats, the cutting-edge technology, symbols of maritime excellence. With OC Sport, we’ve been organizing this arrival for several months now, so when it all comes together, it’s bound to be a special moment. »

Fête de la Bretagne & The Transat CIC Prize Ceremony

The Fête de la Bretagne and the Transat CIC Prize Ceremony took place on Sunday 12 May aboard the South Street Seaport Museum’s historic ship Wavertree. The afternoon began with a lecture by Dr. Christophe Cérino on the history of the Isère, the Lorient-built frigate that carried the Statue of Liberty to New York. This moment was an opportunity to recall the long-standing and strong links between Brittany and New York.

The Fête de la Bretagne then began, led by a delegation of Breton musicians who brought their culture to life at the foot of Manhattan’s skyscrapers.

The Transat CIC Awards Ceremony gave the Wavertree crowd a chance to celebrate the sailors and teams who have led this legendary race. The top 3 in each category took to the podium at WaverTree with their respective trophies to the cheers of an enthusiastic public.

The Transat CIC teams and the Breton community in New York were honored by the presence of the Mayor of Lorient, Fabrice Loher, who reaffirmed his city’s commitment to excellence in ocean racing and its desire to strengthen the links between Lorient and New York.


Photo Credit: Wind Support – Emma Feuillas

Wind Support Summit 2024: Navigating the Path to Decarbonization

2030: 294 Weeks to Go:
In the context of the Transat CIC arrival in New York, Wind Support NYC is hosting a pivotal discussion session on May 13th, 2024, at The Skipper Lounge to explore the decarbonization of maritime transport and the potential for ocean-going vessels to support this transition. While many commitments have been made for 2050, this session aims to identify the progress that can be made in the short term, between now and January 1, 2030—in just 294 weeks.

Date: May 13, 2024 

2 PM – 5 PM: Decarbonization of Maritime Transport
5 PM – 7 PM: Networking Cocktail

Mayor of Lorient City
LAURENT CORBEL: CEO & Founder of Wind Support NYC
CHRISTOPHE CÉRINO: Researcher at the Université Bretagne Sud – Specialist in maritime history and heritage

PANEL 1: Sailing Through Time – The History and Progress of Sailing (40 min)  

  • JONATHAN BOULWARE: President & CEO, South Street Seaport Museum
  • CARL PERSAK: Principal, Persak & Wurmfeld
  • FRANÇOIS GABART: Skipper, founder & director of Mer Concept, co-founder of Vela
  • MODERATOR: MARIA GALLUCCI: Senior Reporter, Canary Media Inc. 

The first panel will delve into the evolution of sail propulsion from the Viking era to the present, highlighting its renewed relevance in decarbonizing maritime transport. Christophe Cérino will open with insights into the architecture of the Isère, the frigate that transported the Statue of Liberty in 1885. François Gabart will then discuss recent technological advancements in ocean racing and how these innovations are being adapted for maritime transport. Jonathan Boulware will offer a historical context on New York’s port evolution. Maria Gallucci will moderate this engaging discussion.

PANEL 2: Transforming Maritime Transport by 2030 – User Expectations (30 min)  

  • PASCAL BRAULT: VP Supply Chain, Logistics and Care Services, Louis Vuitton Americas
  • STEPHANE LEICHNAM: Senior Director of Operations, Expanscience Laboratoires
  • CAMILLE VANDERGHOTE: CSR Manager, Bolloré Logistics Americas
  • MODERATOR: BRAD VOGEL: SuperCargo, Schooner Apollonia

The second panel will allow maritime transport organizations to outline their plans to decarbonize their operations by 2030. Representatives from Louis Vuitton Americas, Expanscience Laboratories, and Bolloré Logistics Americas will share their short-term plans to reduce emissions from their supply chain and how new sailing transport projects like Grain de Sail align with their corporate social responsibility goals. They will discuss the challenges and opportunities of carbon-free shipping, moderated by Brad Vogel, supercargo at the Schooner Apollonia.

Presentation: Towards a Sail Propulsion Policy – The Action of the French Government (15 min) 

  • MAXIME MILLEFERT: Ecology, Sustainable Development, Energy and Transport advisor – French Embassy in the United States 

In this presentation, Maxime Millefert will share insights into the “Pacte Vélique,” the French government’s initiative supporting sail propulsion as a critical lever for decarbonizing logistics flows. He will outline the commitments made to aid this transition and highlight policy measures in place to drive innovation.

PANEL 3: Shipping Companies in the Era of Decarbonization (30 min)  

  • LINA TENENBAUM: Lead Sustainability Engineer – International Seaways, Inc.
  • HEIDI LINDEMANN: Director Seafreight Procurement – Bolloré Logistics Americas

This panel will focus on how international shipping companies are reducing their carbon footprint while navigating an increasingly stringent regulatory framework. Jonathan Dowsett and Lina Tenenbaum will share the concrete improvements their companies have adopted and their challenges. The discussion will emphasize the importance of balancing environmental impact with business efficiency.

PANEL 4: Integrating Sustainability Issues into Maritime Training (30 min)  

  • BRADLEY GOLDEN: Assistant Professor of Naval Architecture – Webb Institute
  • RAJU DATLA: Research Associate Professor – Stevens Institute of Technology
  • HARI BALASUBRAMANIAN: Hydrodynamicist/Assistant Professor, SUNY Maritime College

The final panel will explore how maritime training programs incorporate sustainability issues to prepare future professionals for the challenges of the energy transition. Experts from leading maritime institutions will share their insights into evolving curricula that balance traditional technical skills with comprehensive environmental awareness.


After the panels, attendees can mingle and network over cocktails, connecting with thought leaders, industry experts, and peers in maritime sustainability.
Join us at The Skipper Lounge on May 13 to be part of this vital conversation on shaping a sustainable future for maritime transport.

#WindSupportNYC #TransatCIC #MaritimeSustainability #Decarbonization


Isère: A Symbol of Ingenuity in Maritime Propulsion

The port town of Lorient, born of the great maritime adventure and the first wave of global trade, flourished in the 18th century under the Compagnie des Indes and the prosperity of colonial commerce. Yet, this era has long overshadowed a remarkable chapter in the city’s maritime history: the naval innovation that unfolded at the Lorient arsenal from the 1820s onward.

When the French government selected Lorient as a hub for developing prototypes, the arsenal became the birthplace of pioneering advancements. These advancements, which Isère was a part of, allowed France to transition from screw-propelled ships to the battleships of the 20th century, progressively integrating the phases of the Industrial Revolution.

The Birth of Isère: Innovation Meets Ingenuity

Launched in the early summer of 1863, the frigate Isère was a testament to the golden age of the naval industry. It was a unique blend of cutting-edge technologies of its time—a metal hull and a steam engine with a propeller shaft—while still harnessing the power of the wind. With its 62-meter-long and 9.5-meter-wide hull, the ship displaced nearly 2,000 tonnes and featured a 580 hp engine designed by Lorient-born engineer Dupuy-de-Lôme.

Reflecting the era’s cautious embrace of innovation, the frigate carried sails alongside its steam engine, creating a dual propulsion system. This hybridity, characteristic of the late 19th century, revealed the reservations of the time about the reliability of mechanical innovations.

A Journey of Prestige and Purpose

With a crew of around 60 men, Isère participated in transport and supply missions to naval bases in France and its colonies, notably the Tonkin expedition of 1884. A year later, the ship was entrusted with a prestigious mission: transporting the Statue of Liberty from France to the United States as a gift commemorating America’s centenary of independence. 

In May 1885, 200 crates containing Frédéric Bartholdi’s statue were loaded onto Isère at the river port of Rouen. The frigate set sail for New York on May 21 and arrived on June 17 after a challenging Atlantic crossing marked by violent storms.

The Legacy of Isère and the Future of Maritime Propulsion

Decommissioned in 1911, Isère was repurposed as a pontoon and later towed past Lorient harbor by the German Kriegsmarine during World War II. Today, the submerged remains of the ship’s hold that once housed Bartholdi’s iconic statue can still be seen at a depth of about 10 meters.

The hands of Lorient artisans that crafted Isère played a crucial role in uniting Breton and American craftsmen, reflecting centuries of collaboration. In today’s context, where wind propulsion is not just a historical curiosity but a recognized critical lever for reducing maritime logistics’ carbon footprint, the sailing industry’s ingenuity in providing clean propulsion is more vital than ever. The cross-fertilization of knowledge between traditional sailing techniques and modern technologies is beneficial and essential for the sector’s transition.

While shipowners and shipping companies have yet to embrace wind innovations, ocean, and yacht racing have fully driven sailing-related research and development over the past 50 years. These competitions have catalyzed the emergence of foils, composite material advances, and routing systems.

Thanks to these technical innovations, promising low-carbon vessel projects are emerging in France, offering the global economy a tangible opportunity to reduce its impact on climate change. As the return to hybrid propulsion takes shape, Isère emerges as a historical relic and a model of ingenuity, daring, and success, pointing toward a more sustainable future for the maritime industry. 

Over the last 150 years, colossal technical advances have made decarbonizing maritime transport by sail a reality, charting a clear course for the marine sector in the fight against climate change.