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Wind support
November 6 & 7 – Sustainability in Ship Design and Operations
Since 2017, Beyond the Sea has been developing kite sails used to tow boats. They first launched the LibertyKite, first towing sail for pleasure boats. Soon after, the LibertyKite Second Generation was launched: a kite sail steered by an automatic pilot that will also send and recover the sail.
Update of the 1975 MARAD report by Dr Sergio Perez: using current fuel prices, bulk carriers using the wind as a primary source of power have a substantially lower Required Freight Rate (RFR) than engine-driven vessels.
Weekly market update, Oct 24 2021
The Oceanwings system
ETFMG Breakwave Sea Decarbonization Tech ETF
A vision for a sustainable freight network serving New York City, by NYCEDC and NYCDOT
Flyer for the 2021 Natural propulsion conference in new-york on the 16th november. By Neoline
NASA has been exploring how black carbon or soot affects the Earth’s climate.
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 19 (1985) 45–114
by the Wind Ship Company
Mini Lace, a 3000-dwt cargo ship, is a two-hatch vessel typical of many coasters and inter-island ships
1975 report from the University of Michigan for United States Department of Commerce Maritime Administration which concluded that commercial ships using sail power were not economically viable when compared with engine-powered vessels.